Having some kind of debugging tool in our belt is extremely useful before writing a lot of code. In this lesson we build a println!()-style syntax using JavaScript’s console.log to be able to log out values in Rust.
n JavaScript, the console log function is the way to log messages to the browser's developer tool console. Using Rust
, we can import a reference to it. extern "C" { ... #[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)] fn log(msg: &str);}
Using the Rust macro, we can provide a inaudible style syntax for console log, logging from Rust.
#[wasm_bindgen]pub fn run() { let val = document.createElement("p"); log!("The {} is {}", "meaning of life", 42); val.set_inner_html("Hello from Rust!!!!!!"); document.body().append_child(val);}
Reload the server, then in the broswer console, we can see the console.log message from Rust.